Eurojuris International Österreich
Am Heumarkt 9/1/11
1030 Wien
Tel: +43 (1)/ 713 46 51
E-mail: barbara.egger-russe(at)lawfirm.at
Discover the unique allure of Birmingham next October at our Eurojuris International Congress - you will be amazed!
InternationalCome ready to learn how to influence the wider law firm to utilise LinkedIn and all of its potential.
International VirtualEurojuris International Austria is celebrating their 30th Anniversary this year! Join us in Vienna on Friday, 4th October for the Birthday Event at the Austrian Parliament.
NationalEurojuris International Österreich
Am Heumarkt 9/1/11
1030 Wien
Tel: +43 (1)/ 713 46 51
E-mail: barbara.egger-russe(at)lawfirm.at
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